
[RA & Diet] Update on Niki’s Weight Loss Journey

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losing weight with rheumatoid arthritis 100 pounds or moreWhen I first started out on my weight loss journey I was very self conscious and leery about putting it all out there online for the world to see but I can honestly say now that I am so happy I did.  They emails, messages and comments have been overwhelming in a positive way.  I’m happy to know that by sharing my journey and letting it all hang out out I have inspired others to do the same.   Losing weight is hard enough without adding Rheumatoid Arthritis and body limitations on top of it.  I wish I could say I was an exercising machine but to be honest my exercise has been limited to yoga in bed with basic stretches.  I try to walk around more when I can with my walker but with the decline with medication for my RA, I’ve been more dependent on a wheelchair the past few months.

So how did I do it?  Strict strict strict on my nutrition and calories.  That’s all folks.  I’ve lost 80 pounds since the end of December 2011 til now, October 17th 2012.  Add that to the previous year’s loss and I have now lost 115 pounds and counting in total!

If you want to know how I’m doing this.  Here is my older blog :
How is Niki Losing All That Weight?

You can also read my previous blog : My Weight Loss Journey here to follow my story from the beginning and the nitty gritty details about my weight. Eep.

I also felt really brave and started sharing pictures of my weight loss journey up to that point over at My Weight Loss Journey Pictures Along the Way if you want to check them out.

So when I last blogged here is picture of what I looked like at that part in my weight loss journey.  I did post some pictures on my personal Facebook page since then but forgot to update you all. Oops. *slaps myself on wrist”.  So here are some updates:

This picture was posted by me back in June compared to the jean shorts I wore in December.  As you can see there was already a giant difference in my midsection. Woot.  My face was still pretty puffy and definitely still had a long way to go but getting there..

Now so how have I been doing since I last blogged about it back March? Good. Really good I think. I’m very happy to report that. I’m now down to a size 15 in juniors. To some of you that may not seem too great but considering in December I was wearing 24W shorts from Torrid’s plus size clothing I’m over the moon. Last December I weighed 277 pounds… today I’m 197. I have lowered my original goal weight down to 150 to 155 from the original 165 so I’m 40 pounds or less from where I want to end up. Not too bad for this 5’9″ girl :)

I have celebrated three big milestones on my weight loss journey since last blog.

1. 100 pounds lost total!  (Now I’m at 115 lost total. 80 since December)

2. ONEDERLAND!  If you are a Biggest Loser fan you know what I am talking about.  All the contestants look forward to Onderland… having a weight that starts with a one, not a two, three etc.  I’m finally in Onderland and it feels great.

3. Lowest weight since I met Murphy over 6 years ago!  Yep. I’m the smallest now that he has ever seen me.  Now if only this extra skin (so not sexy) would start catching up to the rest of my body. :)

losing weight as women with rheumatoid arthritisHere is a picture I just took two days ago to show the me now compared to the shorts I wore in December! How crazy is that? I just had to share it with you all. I don’t want to sound like a broken record but people if I can do this, any one can. It just takes dedication and some willpower. The giving up on processed sugars to a minimum was the hardest hurdle for me to overcome.

Lately I’ve been working on forgiving myself for waiting so long to get this part of my life back under control. I can’t believe how easy and fast the weight started dropping off. I have been transforming inside as well as out. The differences in my self confidence, my energy levels and outlook have been startling to me. The changes in my face… well I’ll let you see for yourself…

losing my weight with rheumatoid arthritis journeyHere is a picture of what I looked like at the end of last year holding my three pomeranians.  Aren’t they adorable?

Me? Not so much lol   You can see all the extra weight I carried in my face and around neck in this picture.

I was very very self conscious and hated having my picture taken at all.


my rheumatoid arthritis weight loss journeyNow here is a picture of me from two days ago! Can you see the differences? I’m still trying to wrap my brain around all the changes and letting myself realize that is really me in the mirror. Mentally I’m still that big girl that started this journey at 309 pounds. It takes a bit to get past that and see what you really look like now.

I hope by sharing this journey with you all that I am able to inspire you to give it a try as well. Hitting that breaking point last December when I was diagnosed with prediabetes was the best thing that ever happened to me. My body has enough health issues without me adding to them because I was treating it poorly.

Just remember, you can do this! The journey may seem too big too tackle or hopeless but it’s not. Take each day at a time then week by week and before you now it you are heading towards your goals.


See related blogs:

My Weight Loss Journey

How is Niki Losing All That Weight?

My Self Discovery and Weight Loss Inspiration Reading List


Contact Niki of

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2 comments… add one

  • Winnie

    November 17, 2012, 6:35 pm

    Congrats! You look awesome.

  • margery

    November 17, 2012, 7:34 pm

    Niki, you are to be congratulated for all you’ve achieved! What a wonderful accomplishment. I am very interested to know how the weight loss has affected your RA symptoms. Any advice for creating that initial momentum?


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