[Member Discussions and Questions] Help Chick Read Her MRI Report for Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Spine

January 7, 2013

One of our Chicks received her MRI report and she is trying to make sense of what the findings are. Can you help? I know we have quite a few medical professionals among us so if you can shed some light on this for her it would be great:

Disc osteophyte narrowing of anterior subarachnoid space and flattening of the cord. C4-5 most prominent defect which not only flattens the cords, but indents it in the midline. Bulging disc C2 through 7 central herniation with annular tears.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help her out and answer her message. (((pain-free internet hugs)))

What our members have said so far:

Phyllis – From what I am reading, there are bone spurs causing a narrowing of the space where the spinal cord run through the vertebra in the neck. The herniation means that the jelly like substance between the vertebrae in the neck is bulging out and has some tear in it. To me, and I am just a massage therapist and not a doctor, this would mean our chick is probably having tingling, pain, and numbness in the upper appendages from the spinal cord being pinched.

Jennifer – MRI shows spinal degeneration with development of bone spurs. The cervical vertebrae are affected which are located in the neck.

Phyllis – After rereading the original post, our chick may be having these issues in all the appendages.

Brandi – I never could make sense of my MRI findings. Well, with some I was able to find on Google. But, it took the doctor to explain it to me in terms that a human being can understand. I would try to Google these parts: “Disc osteophyte narrowing of anterior subarachnoid space.” “Bulging disc C 2 through 7 central herniation with annular tears.” “C4-5 cord flattening” “Disc osteophyte narrowing of anterior subarachnoid space.” Add MRI in all the searches. Maybe someone with some MRI experience will come along in here hopefully. But, the above is kind of how I narrowed down my own research and by also adding RA or Rheumatoid Arthritis. I know how FRUSTRATED I was when I loaded the CD of my MRI into my computer as my doctor argued with me that I didn’t have RA. The doctors at the ER had read my MRI and said that my MRI showed definite RA. Later on…I had labs drawn & I came out with an RA factor of 15 at age 39. I wish you guys luck & hope you can get better answers.

Jennifer – The term annular refers to the shape of the tears in the discs, which is round. I agree with Phyllis. This condition can be very painful. The MRI shows structural spinal column damage which is pressing against the spinal cord. This damage could be caused by a number of different factors.

Sharon – I know how this lady feels. I currently have a slipped disc which is causing pressure on my spinal cord, c 5/c 6 part of my neck. This has caused pain in my neck and numbness down my right side. In one way the numbness is a bonus as I can’t feel the pain from my RA, but at the same time it could be causing more problems. Luckily I will be having an op in 2 weeks time to replace the slipped disc. Hope this helps.

Karen – It is your doctors responsibility to explain the findings to you in a way that you completely understand…call the office

Patsy – @Karen exactly what i was thinking

Lori – Sit down with your MD and have him/her explain it. It is their responsibility. But, the most simple explanation I would use for my patients would be a drawing of a hollow tube representing the spinal column……every 25 cent word used is describing a supporting structure, all you to need to know is that any narrowing, bulging, flattening of this space is abnormal and is going to cause symptoms. Every symptom is unique to the patient and the area involved and treatment is directed at those symptoms. NO two patients are alike!!

Onnette – My doctor is on vacation this week & I can’t stand the not knowing 4 a whole week. Its stressing me out because I kinda figured its bad, I just need 2 know HOW bad???

Alison – I must recommend my surgeon! I don’t know how your Chick has lived with the pain.

Jojo – doesn’t actually say bone spur if it was a bone spur it would say bony protrusion or spur…it doesn’t say that…this could be from anything…several conditions can cause this diagnosis…also just plain old degeneration as well…

Patty – nurse here basically she has herniated discs and a spinal cord compression…which can cause numbness etc…a disc is pressing and flattening her spinal cord…. I’m sure shes in a lot of pain.. plus with the tears the jelly substance in each disc leaks out and presses on the nerves…

Lea – if i don’t understand what my doctor is telling me i don’t leave his office until i do! if they can’t blind you with science they try to baffle you with bullshit in my opinion!!! (((very gentle hugs))) to you all.

Marianne – It is not wise to interpret an MRI online as symptoms need to be considered and the surgeon needs to assess the pictures as well. Good luck!

Michelle – all I see is someone that must be in severe pain and I feel so bad.

Onnette @ Michelle^^ I am, but it helps having the chicks on this page 2 lean on

Jackie – My spinal bone spurs are referred to as osteophytes. They are called just that, no mention of bony protrusions or spur. Spray just wanted to add that. Onnette, I am sorry you are in so much pain. (((((hugs)))))

Niki – Neurosurgeon ASAP

Onnette – @Jackie…..thank u. @ Niki…..on the phone now w/the insurance company. I hope I can get n much sooner than later. I’ve been walking around like this since July & didn’t even know there was a problem until early November.

Amanda – My words are this — DARN! Not good at all!

Tammy – all I can say is hang in there. It is amazing that you have dealt with this as long as you have. Tells me what a strong woman you are. It took me over a year to finally get a diagnosis for my RA. At least you are on the right track and finally getting the help you need. Marianne, I don’t see her looking to interpret the MRI online. She is doing exactly what I would do. Asking for the opinions of people who may have experienced something similar so that she has some understanding of what is going on. The feedback you are getting here should help you to write any questions you might have when you see your doctor. ((gentle hugs))

Mary – Disc has osteophytes. The spur(osteophytes) is narrowing space in spinal canal which is pressing the cord and flattening it. C4-5 shows this more prominently But also indents the cord. It is the midline of the cord. Discs are bulging which C2 through 7 shows herniation(bulging) with some tears in the disc present. This is how I read it. I hope this helps. Sending pain free hugs. I am not diagnosing as I m not a doctor. I hope you find relief

Onnette – @Tammy..thank u soooo much. Actually, I did something REALLY stupid. I was rear ended n mid July & I felt fine, so I didn’t go get checked out . The end of Oct, I started having muscles spasms & my migraines were more frequent. I thought maybe it was related 2 the weather change & the RA. I went 2 the ER 3 times & 2 see my PCP twice trying 2 get relief. Of course the x-rays looked fine. Finally 2 weeks ago, I couldn’t turn my head or stand up straight. My PCP put her foot down & said no more drugs, go get an MRI. Had that not happened, I still wouldn’t know. The sad part is we deal w/pain so long & so often, its hard 2 tell when our body is telling us that something else is going on!!!

Judy – Five months ago I had 6 discs replaced in the back of my neck from spinal stenosis and spurs poking into the spinal cord and strangulating it. 3 days later the 7th disc close to the voice box was replaced from the front, also with a spur poking into the cord. The replacement discs were from cadavers, held in place with titanium. Done at Stanford, in hospital a total of 4 days, came home the 5th. Minimal pain, no neck brace, in home therapy, pluses far outweigh the cons! Would highly recommend this procedure!!. Contact me if you would like more info.

Onnette – Oh my Lord….just the thought of that scares me 2 death

Judy – Lol, I know it sounds scary, but it was’t at all. I had suffered with this for almost 5 years, so I was more than ready to get relief. Also, they told me a trip, or fall could sever the spinal cord leaving me paralyzed. Not good options!! God will get you through whatever you allow Him to

Vee – Onnette, make sure your medical insurance knows this condition was caused by an auto accident. This will be covered by the auto insurance companies. Good luck and calm down. You made it this far, have faith.

Connie – I wish I could only have a Dr tell me what is going on with me—arthritis poly??something by one Dr but he is not taking new patients to his practice—hands out pain meds but wont help?? Pain every day now—all over–right knee is swollen HUGE–not only below the knee down the leg and now huge lump on left side and it is not fluid–this is same knee they took xray of a huge spur that looks like a witches nose–I can’t stand the pain— wth is it I have?

RA Warriors Philippines – In layman’s term…it means ^$#@ painful! I hope you get well soon!

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The above is a discussion created by a member and with member generated responses from our Facebook community (facebook.com/rachicks) put into a format so that the discussion can be archived for future answers needed by others in a searchable format while keeping member anonymity. Member provided information, statements and opinions do not reflect on RAChicks.com or all individuals with Autoimmune Arthritis. We encourage all members to seek professional medical advice for any specific questions and concerns as this does not substitute competent medical care.

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