
[About RA] A Letter to My Rheumatoid Arthritis

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letter to my rheumatoid arthritisA Letter to  My RA

by Jennifer


Dear RA,

This letter is to inform you that you have officially worn out your welcome. I am tired of your everyday nagging. Your late night calls that linger on for endless hours. Your total lack of inconsideration to my schedule. The way you show up unannounced and linger way too long. My family is tired of your reckless attitude regarding my health. I am sick of being sick because of you. Tired of being tired because of you. I eat healthy, but when you are around I want comfort food.

My daughter, I believe you two have meet, she is tired of cleaning up after you. After your visits she has to clean house, cook and do laundry. Although she never complains, she never would, she is too sweet for such things. My husband tires of you also. He curses you and the pain you cause me. My fwii-fwii listens to me as I bad mouth you, she never asks me to stop, she is patient and understanding. When you are around I want to stay in bed. When you come knocking at my door I have to stay home and miss out.

I know hate is a strong word, but I feel you are very deserving of the title. I had a great job, a job of a lifetime, a job where I actually made a difference I answered the call. Not now. You have robbed me of so many things. Because of you I am unreliable. Some days you make me feel like a shell of my former self. I can never go back, go back in time and reclaim the days I did not know your name. If only.


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