Letter to "Normals": Those Without Rheumatoid Arthritis by Thesirenscream A letter that I copied and pasted from somewhere else and changed to suit my own situation. I think I changed quite a bit of it but I don't remember. Feel free to take mine and copy and paste it yourself, change it, and give [...]
explaining rheumatoid arthritis
A Letter to My RA by Jennifer Dear RA, This letter is to inform you that you have officially worn out your welcome. I am tired of your everyday nagging. Your late night calls that linger on for endless hours. Your total lack of inconsideration to my schedule. The way you show up unannounced [...]
Telling Your Children that You have Autoimmune Arthritis by Bridget Seritt When I gave birth to my first child, I had already been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 3 years. Unfortunately, childbirth caused the illness to compound with 2 more autoimmunes and consequently caused a lot of physical and mental damage. My children have [...]