Muscle spasms or weakness? One Chick wrote in:
I have been having a lot of lower back pain with muscle spasms and pain/numbness going down my right leg sometimes the left, but not as much as the right. The muscles in my right leg, again occasionally my left leg, but not as often, also feel like they are in constant contraction. I was wondering if others have had this and if it is possibly RA related or maybe I should mention something to my rheumy about some other condition that is going on. I have been losing my balance and falling a lot from all of this.
Thank you in advance for your input and sharing your experiences to help answer this members question. (((pain-free internet hugs)))
What our members have said so far:
Elviera – yup, mention it to your rheumatologist. Be safe!
Niki – I’ve been on Flexeril 2 to 3 times a day for a few years now due to back spasms and I often get what I call Popeye muscles in my arms that stay contracted.
Pamela – yes,I have the same …
Michele – You need an MRI of your lumbar spine. Degenerative disc disease can be a secondary to RA. I have it along with several others. Recent MRI showed considerable damage to lumbar discs and had the same symptoms.
Clara – I had that and it actually ended up being NOTHING related to the RA. The docs kept treating it as possible RA so they would put cortisone shots in my spine. After the third set of shots, I woke up w/ no feeling in my right leg so I was taken to ER. They did an MRI and as it turned out, I had completely ruptured a disc and was almost permanently paralyzed. They rushed me into emergency surgery and removed more than an inch of the herniated part of the disk in the lumbar section. Honestly, I’d go to the ER or an orthopedic doc that specializes in neuro-spinal surgery. I now have permanent damage to that part of the nerve going down my right leg
Kaitlyn – I was wondering the same thing, but I’ve also just attributed it to the RA. I will also talk to my rheumatologist about this next time I go in. Thanks for asking one of my own questions I forgot to ask others too. Is the numbness also related to the RA? Does anyone know?
Robin – Definitely an MRI is needed I would speak to an Orthopedic asap!!!
Robin – You could have a nerve being pinched!!!
Beth – I am glad you wrote this. I just started “weaning” back onto my med…i was off because of my liver enzymes and flared while i was off them. On Prednisone for now while restarting my meds. and I have a constant ache in my left lower leg, like it is ready to cramp 24/7…that is the knee that also really was the worst part of my flare. I was wondering also if the cramping was RA related or prednisone related.
Michele – Neurosurgeon is always best when dealing with the spine. Any dr who would do cortisone injections without an MRI first would no longer be my dr.
Terry – My muscles have lumps in the muscles that my Rheumy says is fluid.Not small ones …….my calves in my legs are very hard at all times.I also have very sore places on my scalp…weird stuff
Michele – I hope you changed dr’s. while it is not RA degenerative disc disease is secondary to RA.
Tricia – I have chronic muscle spasms all over. Some muscles are in constant spasm and I didn’t know it until my PT pointed it out. The Dr can’t say whether mine is related but inflammation can cause muscle spasms. Also, I have a potassium deficiency and that can cause spasms as well.
Mary – Sounds like possible sciatica which would be spine-related…low back achiness with pain shooting through the butt and down the leg. If that’s it you may need an ortho doc. My L5 S1 was inflamed and the nerve got damaged. I had 3 epidural steroid injections then surgery. It is much better now. Have it checked out
Donna – Do you have Fibromyalgia? That involves muscle spasms, numbness and affects balance. It can run secondary to RA. Good luck in sorting it out and getting better x
Stephanie – I have the same thing and skelaxin (like flexeril) helps. Also ice for inflammation and heat to relax it. I had epidural steroid injections, spinal blocks and nerves severed. Nothing helped…. until a good chiropractor adjusted not only my back but my twisted hips also. The hips can twist and push into the spine. He uses an activator gun ( no manual adjustments thank you!!!) And then does electric stimulation. I also got a $100 tens machine for at home. I spent YEARS trying to get relief. 2 months seeing the chiropractor 2 x a week and I felt 50% better. Now at 5 months I go once a week and I barely get discomfort in my lower back and haven’t felt tingling in my legs for months. P.s. I used to fall too!
Clara – No offense to our rheumatologists but mine often gives bad advice on issues that are secondary issues and I’ve now required three major surgeries because I heeded his advice and it was something an orthopedist should have been seen about. My back surgery above, a total shoulder replacement that they kept saying is just related to RA when the RA created a tumor the size of a softball out of the ball of my shoulder, etc. They are great at controlling the RA but there are times that we need to listen to our own bodies and know when to see another doc about a specific issue.
Ailsa – I have that. Mine is due to my Sjogren’s disorder- neurological involvement.
Krista – I have had a ruptured disc, sciatica , fibro, Ra and Lupus! At one point or another, the pain and numbness could be tracked to one of the above! I agree with others and u should have an MRI to nail down exactly what it is! Best of luck and wishing u much relief!!
Phyllis – Thanks for all the advice and help, ladies. My issues have spread to the left leg as well, now. I have never had a fibro diagnosis, but wondered if that could have been part of the trouble. I finally get to go see the rheumy on Thursday afternoon.
Dana – get to your rheumy!! something is impinging on those nerves and could cause some real damage if you wait!
Pam – I have degenerative disc disease too and also get the muscle spasms in my back, sometimes so severe I can’t get out of bed. I have no insurance anymore so have no idea where it comes from. Except – your muscles are supposed to support your spine, and if your spine is having issues, then it stands to reason the muscles are going to react. All I have is a heating pad & hopefully soon, marijuana for the pain (legalized in WA). You just can’t BUY it yet. But if I could, I’d tell my Rheumy and go from there. Good luck, honey!
Janel – I had this near charlie horse feeling in both calves going on my Podiatrist said to try magnesium, seems to be helping me. Best wishes…
Clara – By the way, nothing like your back pain causing the severe spasms and your leg locking up in the middle of your judge’s office as you are bringing him his docket. FREAKED HIM OUT!! Made one of his deputies rush me to the hospital in the middle of the day.
Trish – Sounds like you have some disk issues. I also have RA, Fibro, and many disk issues. I do not see the rheumy for the disk. I see my pain doc for fibro and disk and I see a back pain specialist for the disk issues.
Elaine – Also could be a disc in your back I had the same thing you have described and I don’t have RA, thank God, however the disc in my lower back L 4&5 collapsed and they operated and the pain finally went away. I went to West End Otho, however they changed their name, but don’t rule it out.
Trish – Calf pain that doesn’t go away could also be due to blood clots. That was the way it was with me.
Elaine – Also if you are low on potassium you can get these spasms as well!
Tasha – It could be the discs get it checked.
Phyllis – Blood clots totally freak me out so I stayed active walking up to this point. I would do 3 laps around my apartment building several times a day then this came on and and cannot even make it half way around once.
Barbra – I just finished a set of 3 epidural steroid injection in my spine due to a herniated disc that is being pushed further out due to inflammation. The shots didn’t help much and I am now going to an ortho surgeon to schedule surgery. Not a fun thing to deal with…hang in there!
Lisa – I had the spasms quite bad and it turned out to be partly due to RA inflammation putting pressure on my scarce nerve and a very low vitamin d level. Minimal is between 30 to 50 and mine was 20. Saw a rehab doc and had EEG done to legs to determine if it was nerve related,ms of something else and had a wedge put in shoe and pt. if you haven’t had mineral or electrolytes work up like vitamin a,b,d, magnesium, potassium you should have checked out because deficiencies can cause muscle spasms and others.
Dee – Sounds disc related and maybe sciatic issues, good luck
Kelli – I second the chiro you need a good one not every one uses the activator a good choice for those with chronic pain also check for natural remedies for pain and other ailments message me if you have questions
Audrey – I get some of the symptoms you are talking about but i have Fibromyalgia as well so it may be a good idea to ask your rummy nurse about it and she/he may explain it to you.
Cindy – I had that last year. It was a disk in lower back causing the sciatic nerve problems. Finally had to have surgery which worked beautifully. Now the other side is doing the same thing. I see ortho dr for mine
Cathy – I also have the pains and spams all the time. There are days that the pain is so bad I can’t walk any place. I also get sharp pains shooting down my legs. My right one most of the time but also my left. I lose my balance a lot to. have to now use a shower chair to to take a shower so I don’t fall. have fallen one to many times in the shower. I don’t know if you also have trouble with my knees and lower back when i go up or down stares. The lower back pain is 24/7 My Dr seems to think it is my RA. I have not been able to see a RA DR as of yet out here in WV. One Dr can see my 1/27/14 yes 2014 not 2013.
Cathy – I know you can get the BioFreeze on line to help with the pain If you get the jell get someone to massage it in for you. It Helps.
Mandy – I have regular muscle spasms in my back, hips and shoulders. I just use heat and cold methods but I also make sure I keep everything stretched. And supple x
Elizabeth – I’m wondering if maybe you also have ankylosing spondylitis.
Pamela – I have had shooting pains for years going down the legs – sciatica – but now I have numbness and tingling in my back most of the time and get the muscles locking up too, migratory numbness and tingling in arms and legs and face. I went to a neurologist he did a MRI of my brain but not of my spine. He wanted to make sure I hadn’t suffered a stroke or had MS, but that came back clear. He said it is due to my diseases. Several I have can cause damage to the nerves. I still don’t feel like I have answers but it is best to check it out. I have RA, Lupus, Sjorgrens, Celiac, Fibromyalgia.
Amy – Yes! Recently have been having severe spasms in both thighs and am very unsteady on my feet. I have a balled up right foot, and if I start to slip or don’t step right, the whole leg gives out. Tore my hamstring last week, fell again last night, hurt it in a new place. Big bruises on ly leg from torn muscles. Gross. And again today while shoveling. The left leg is always hurting too. I have RA, no fibro. The only thing that has helped is a flexeril at night, heating pad, and cane. Good luck.
Lee – Sounds like me – except mine is on the left side vice the right. I’ve had MRIs done on my spine and it shows degenerative disc disease. Just something else to look forward to!
Kylie – I see a muscle neurologist. Unlike a chiropractor he uses energy to balance and straighten. Extremely good but you do need an open mind. Much less brutal than chiro on your already sore aching muscles. Deep tissue massage also good but you need someone who understands your pain threshold is different to other people.
Wendi – Yes I have muscle spasm in my left leg. Dr gave support hose but I think that made it worse. I’m in therapy physical and aquatic. I have RA and it seems to change from day to day
Julie – Sounds like sciatica, which I have on and off. There is disc degeneration in my lower back that causes the nerve compression. I see my primary care for this. I use lots of ice, stretching, exercise ball. Good luck, I feel your pain.
Irene – Muscle spasms yes too and falling is because if you read the bottles they all have a side effect that makes you dizzy so I am attributing me falling if I turn to fast or stand up to fast I am going to hit the floor , always talk with ur Doctor a good doctor refers you to PT and a bad doctor does nothing !!
Michelle – Are you taking Neurontin, and Magnesium Citrate?
Jeannette – I have RA and osteoporosis with lower back pain n cramps in feet numbness both legs
Rhoda – I have muscle spasms. But it isn’t RA related. So definitely say something
Phyllis – Irene, there is no dizziness when I have fallen. My legs give out from either numbness or weakness.
Carolyn – This has just started with me too. Having a nerve evaluation is a coupe of weeks.
Vee – Talk to the doctor. They need to asses YOUR issues. There is always something going on with RA so you need to zero in on it pronto.
Linda – It could be a flare up in the sacroiliac joint very painful
Chelsea – Funny you asked this … Yesterday morning I was beginning to experience muscle pain in my right arm and it was radiating down my arm into my hand… Almost like I just worked out and my muscles were sore … Haven’t experienced this anywhere else. I can agree that I feel rheumys don’t know what they’re talking about many times … I think once I tell my rheumy she will just say “ok” and not do anything… Just like she did when I told her my neck was hurting and that was her response. I think many doctors aren’t all on the same page with this disease.
Melanie – I live with muscle spasms every night.Use to take Lyrica but saw no help.Take a muscle relaxer every night .I even have them n my upper arms now. I love Australian Dream Cream its the best topical I’ve ever used.Wally World has it
Kristine – I have all of these challenges, my neurologist says that these symptoms for me are part of my fibromyalgia, not the RA (although I can never tell which pain is what anymore!). I have disc damage in my low back and sometimes bulging discs. when I do something that irritates my back is when these symptoms are worst… the muscles in my back around irritated area contract, spasm, start a cycle of nerve irritation and pain heads to my legs and sometimes feet. when my quads become contracted the pain can be quite unbearable and affect my gait and stability …I dont seem to have much control over the muscle contraction, once they start to tighten up they don’t let go till they are ready. things that help me are muscle relaxant, acupuncture/ cupping, myofascial release, tens unit on back for spasms, hot bath. I just ordered some magnesium oil to try for this, and I know my potassium level plays a role in my issues as well.
MaryColleen – @Phyllis, that sounds like something you should address with your rheumy. Mine a few years ago put me on baclofen for muscle spasms and it calmed them down a lot. It was maddening because I was a track coach and I couldn’t coordinate myself even to walk normally. I hope you get some answers soon. One thing my grandma told me and I’ve always remembered. Wherever you are (even the floor of the paint isle at Lowe’s), if you feel like your legs are about to give out, just sit down. It’s better than falling over and you can ask a cute salesguy to help you back up
Simone – My muscle spasms are Fibro related. Speak with your rheumy.
Mary – I have these almost all the time, usually in my hamstrings and feet. But also neck, hands, and calves. Lyrical has helped but I have gained about 15 lbs since starting it 6 months ago. What I really NEED to do is find an acupuncturist who helps.
Terri – Chelsea ,it could be coming from your neck
Eva – My chiropractor helps me with that problem. I also do low back stretches every day. Sometimes a muscle back there presses on the sciatic nerve and it hurts like crazy. Hot showers followed by a cold one helps. Hot packs alternating with cold packs helps. I take Norflex muscle relaxer (RX) when needed with three Advil (brand name only for me). Good luck
Liz – I have sciatica and suffer the exact same symptoms as you describe my L5 disc has bulged putting pressure on my sciatic nerve this is a separate condition to my R.A . I was being treated for sciatica for 2 months when the onset of R.A happened I would suggest getting a M.I.R of the lower back Valium helped a lot with the spasms heat pack on my back helped ease the pain and I currently attending physio sessions 2x a week all this is helping but I have been told it a slow progress
Lisa – Go see your RA.They may need to send you to a neurologist.
Lourika – Can be a pinched nerve. I have one that cause it
Hope – I have disc issues (found on MRI) RA on bone/joint scan and Vectra DA by Rheumy. Neurologist said Fibro, too; but I think the disc issue and Fibro could be in play with the spasms, numbness and tingling. I have repeated reactions to many medicines so makes treating all of this difficult the way Rheumy/Neuro prescribe. A good massage (from one who is familiar with RA/Fibro and other related conditions) can help this issue. Might hurt in the beginning, but try to visualize anything pleasant and it helps a lot. Before I go to any chiro/massage therapist/acupuncturist I make sure to take Magnesium…citrate and malate forms helped me the most taken orally (Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT won’t disturb bowels). Also warm bath in Epsom salts calms as well because the skin being your largest organ absorbs this form of magnesium well. Chiro adjustments helped it for overall balance and realignment if nerve is being pushed on or pinched, but need one that is careful as some can be rough and simply don’t understand the pain of these conditions.
Phyllis – Hope, I have several friends who are massage therapists that I went to massage school with that I thoroughly trust, but finances being what they are I can’t pay them so won’t ask them. The only way I see a rheumy is because he is income based and since I have none, my visits are only 10.00.
Maria – Could be sciatica….nerve issues related to your back and possibly your discs.
Jody – This sounds so much like me! I have had RA for 30 years or more.I broke my leg and then started losing my balance. Pretty soon I couldn’t without a walker. I then had an MRI and my L-3 and L-4 Were damaged from RA and many falls. I had a laminectomy on Dec.31. I was in the hospital a week and then I went to rehab for physical therapy. I feel better and walk better than I have for years. Those muscle spasms are the worst! I hope this is helpful to you!
Angela – Try the MELT method
Cheryl – I too experience this from time to time, usually involves groin, hip pain, tightening around the knee and really achy too. Little twinges of nerves crossing in lower back. My best relief seems to come from physiotherapy. At night before bed, hot bath with Epsom salts, lavender oil, heating pad, ice pack. Have had RA for 20 years. You can YouTube physiotherapy for some exercises too that may give you some help.
Jennifer – Is there pain down your leg as well? If so, sounds like sciatica. My husband has it too, he gets numbness and if he doesn’t have something close to grab he has fallen over. Not really anything they can do for it other than using a Tens unit.
Dianna – I agree with Jennifer, sounds like sciatica and yes RA related. RA causes inflammation and this can/will suppress the sciatic nerve. Talk to your Rheumatologist about this. When I had sciatica my Rheumy ordered Neurontin, I iced my lower back and did exercises to stretch the sciatic nerve (Google for the exercises) this all worked.
Julie – Isn’t that the MOST frustrating part of RA? You are never sure what is inclusive and what could be something completely different. Sometimes it feels like your full time job sorting it all out with various physicians ? Makes me want to just ignore ignore ignore.
Wanda – Sounds like you got some neuropathy creeping in…’s hard to diagnose because it used to just your feet but now they have a localized diagnosis. I have it in my legs but not my feet…..ask Rheumy about that next time you go….as for treating it the mess I take for restless leg control any pain but like ra there is no cure just treatment for the symptoms…..hugs!!!!!!!
Debi – I get that too. Never know what tell Rheumy but I tell him all of it. He usually gives me some kind of meds or exercise. However, I got pains and muscle contraction in my legs bad last night. Almost feels like a “charlie-horse”. I already take nuerontin for neropathy but it apparantly is not helping that. It is scary not to know what is wrong. I lose my balance also, I think that is in my feet that causes that. I would tell my Rhuemy about it. Good luck
Stacey – I recently experienced the same thing for 2 months straight! Had an MRI which showed some bulging discs and other stuff that was causing the pain & spasms. None of my Doctors related it to my RA.
Lexie – I was just told by a friend that magnesium helps.
Julie – pinched nerve sounds like to me
JoAnne – I have the same thing. I had an MRI. Turns out a lot of damage had been done to my spinal chord by RA. I’m having a second opinion to be sure but the first neurosurgeon explained my MRI to me and I could see the extent of the damage myself so I probably will be looking at back surgery. Don’t just pass this off as something simple. I did for too long. Check it out. Your rheumatologist can order the MRI.
Andrea – It sounds like your spine may be inflamed or agitated by inflammation or changes in bone/joints/spinal discs, which is causing nerve pain. An MRI would be a good idea. Six weeks ago I had my spine fused and two discs replaced and all that pain is gone. There are also nerve pain medicines, like Neurontin and spinal blocks/epidurals in which a steroid and an analgesic is injected into the spine. Neither of these helped me at all. Moist heat, rest and muscle relaxers helped me a bit.
Judy – I’m scheduled for lower spine surgery now as a result of spinal stenosis choking the spinal cord. That’s causing pain across the lower back, down the right leg to just above the knee. I can barely balance myself, and stumble around a lot. The pain is incredible and is there 24/7. The surgeon said he believes repairing the spine will eliminate the lower back, hip, and leg issues. I’m ready!!
Carolyn – I have a lot of lower back pain that will radiate down my legs, and my right hip and the right side of my groin. An MRI found that I have a protruding disc that is pinching my sciatic nerve…My pain Dr does a series of steroid caudal injections every few months, which helps some with the pain.
Beverly – I have had some pain that shoots down my left leg and stops at the knee…is that norm for folks with RA
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