
[Member Discussions and Questions] Dry Mouth and Gum Disease?

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December 15th

A fellow member writes:

I would like to know if anyone has experienced or is currently having problems with gum disease while on Enbrel. I have chronic dry mouth due to RA and blame it on that, but I could be wrong…

Because we are talking about chronic dry mouth I’m attaching a link on arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome. Have you been dealing with gum or dental issues from RA or Sjogren’s? Thanks in advance for your help in answering her message. (((pain-free internet hugs)))
Learn more about Sjogren’s here:

What ourĀ members have said so far:

Caroline – I went my whole life with ZERO cavities and then after being diagnosed with lupus/RA/sjogrens I had 7 cavities in one visit. I use biotene products and they really help. Also, my doctor gives me RX lozenges that hydrate my mouth and they help too. They taste funny–but heck—small price to pay. Good luck!!

Melissa – I have RA and on Enbrel and have dental issues from the disease, meds and dry mouth. I never had ANY problems with my teeth or gums until the onset of my RA 10 years ago. I never had a cavity in my life, never had braces and only had 3 cleanings in my entire life….never needed them. Plaquenil never built up on my teeth ….I did brush and floss well, though, since my diagnosis and treatment I have mild gingivitis and have had 7 cavities. I now have a new one to be filled after the holidays. There really isn’t alot to do to prevent it. Try to stay hydrated and get regular dental checkups. Also, pain meds can make the dry mouth worse. Pain free hugs….x

Elizabeth – I too suffer with the dry mouth. Lately my teeth are killing me. Hurting to no end. OMG I want to pull them all out of my head. Can’t deal with it anymore…

Mercedes – No problems with cavities. I believe because I have pain, I clench my teeth and has resulted in two cracked teeth this month as I recovered from foot surgery. No dental insurance, so $$$ getting them fixed and a hard night guard.

Kris – RA patients have a higher risk of gum disease/gingivitis simply because it’s a soft tissue and RA attacks that. Also, mouths are full of germs, so it’s important to step up your dental care and cleanings. I know that Humira can contribute to dry mouth and I notice a change in my gums within a couple hours of injection; it’s like they tighten up. I’ve had gum issues and stepped up my care. Flossing is so important! This is my favorite: can be found at CVS: makes it so easy to clean between teeth and it doesn’t hurt to wrap around fingers as much. Or there are the floss picks too. But daily flossing made so much difference in my gum health! I also use an Oral B electric toothbrush – makes it sooo much easier to clean my teeth, less work for arthritic hands! I found that the Crest mouthwashes have been great for my gums (Listerine made my gums hurt so much and may have contributed to the loss of two dental implants). I use the blue regular one in the morning after brushing and the new Clinical one at night after brushing before bed. I also use Colgate’s Total brand of toothpaste, which uses triclosan (which some do not like) but it is supposed to help with gum disease issues. Those products and regimen have really helped to turn my dental health around. Don’t forget to floss at least once a day; keep those gums happy!

Erica – Gum and teeth issues from RA before meds were started.

Peri – I am having issues with gum inflammation. I recently had 4 new crowns and just cannot seem to kick the inflammation that came during that process. Of course, it was a long drawn out 6 month process. Nothing ever goes easy with RA. I also have chronic dry eyes and more recently mouth.

Leslie – I do have beautiful teeth until recently .. loosing bone. My rheumy says it from the meds.

Allen – I wish I had known about these biologic meds sooner, I would have never started trying them.

Charla – You pretty much have to treat the symptoms. I have these issues too, and have never taken Enbrel, I was on Humira, and now am on Remicade, but they all pretty much have the same side effects. I do whatever I have to to keep my mouth hydrated, drink water, suck on ice cubes, etc. and also have dry eyes, so my doctor prescribed Restasis for that. Right now, I am having many problems with dry skin also. My fingers get dry, and crack and bleed on the finger tips (very painful); seems like there is always something popping up.

Pauline – Yes I do-but it’s due to the RA rather then the treatment. I’m not on Enbrel. I also suffer from Sjogrens Syndrome too. I too do what I have to do to stay hydrated. With anything you take to treat a disease there is side effects.

Emmarose – After being on Enbrel for 2 years, I had swollen gums and bleeding. It’s the first time I’ve ever had any dental issues. Now that I’m on Remicade infusions, I’ve noticed a considerable difference.

Kathleen – I have very dry eyes, bleeding gums, and tooth decay. I used to pass salivary stones from the little ducts under my tongue. Never knew it was part of RA.

Katie – I’ve had mounds of dental issues since being treated for RA due to dry mouth from all the meds, my dentist told me about biotene and have been using ever since; my mouth has been much better

Tanya – I have both and am 37 years old and have dentures; my dentist says it is not that I am ignoring my teeth but the Sjorgrens is destroying them and they are softening and breaking, not rotting …. She recommends lots of water and xylitol gum or candy… My Rheumy also put me on evosac to help with this but without insurance it is $300.00 a month ….

Catrina – Sjogrens causes some serious problems. Dryness doesn’t sound serious to others but anyone that suffers with it knows it’s not a minor annoyance. I get the most relief from using Biotene products. As for the dryness in the eyes, I haven’t discovered anything yet that really helps.

Anita – I carry a bottle of water with a drop of juice for flavoring with me at all times.

Chailine – Like others have said, I was having dental issues before I was diagnosed, so I just stepped up my flossing and brushing. Well, I was really upset when I was still having problems and being treated like an addict (pain pill abusers and meth addicts have major dental issues) by my dentist. But the teeth I had covered with crowns and my bridge were fine and have continued to be fine. I didn’t find out how much RA affects dental health until 2 yrs after diagnosis! I am currently looking into dental clinics that have reduced fees for low income folks.

Feather – Diagnosed with RA in 08′. Once in a while I get a dry mouth feeling but my teeth have definitely weakened. I have had two lil cavities for a couple years and now they are to the point where I have to get them filled. No matter how much I brush, floss or get a teeth cleaning. They just aren’t what they used to be.

Rana –
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gum Disease – HealthGrades
Researchers continue to find links between periodontal (gum disease) and rheum

Ann – I have missing teeth and now I guess I know why. It started after mtx.

Charlyne – I too have RA and Sjogrens. Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash helps.

Charlyne – I use GenTeal for severe dry eyes, it has worked better for me than Restasis.

Kendra – I have primary RA and secondary Sjogrens. Mine affects my eyes and mucus membranes more than my mouth. I have to use lots of eye drops (Systane Ultra mostly, although Poly Tears are the only ones funded) and eye lubricant (Lacrilube) at night, and I am constantly getting nose bleeds. I do chew a lot of gum though, so maybe my mouth is affected but I just haven’t noticed as much as I am always helping it out.

Janet – Oh yeah. Mr. Sjogrens and I are old acquaintances. THE #1 thing you can do is to take super good care of your teeth. Without saliva you will lose teeth and can get systemic illnesses as well. See your dentist at a minimum of twice a year, three times if your insurance will cover it (and maybe even if they don’t especially if it is severe). NEVER ignore a sore tooth or a gum infection! Your dentist is your primary guard against tooth loss and illness. And no,I am not a dentist nor is anyone in my family.

Denise – I have inflammatory arthritis and Sjogrens. Diagnosed 23 yrs ago. I am on Restasis, hydroxychloroquine and use Act Dry Mouth rinse. Dry mouth isn’t the worst of my problems. I have more problem with my eyes and joint pain.

Barbara – I have … I am on Humira and mtx too. Gum helps at times but the rinses really don’t. Keep water around or at least something to drink. I also have a raspy voice at times too.

Kami – Since having RA I drink more than I ever have. It’s because of the meds, especially prednisone.

Kay – I have Sjogrens and RA – dry scratchy eyes and dry mouth, aggh!

Ilsa – I have gum disease from being on immunosuppressants, cortisone, Enbrel and now Humira. I have to have surgery next year for it. There is a link between RA and gum disease.

Julie – What perfect timing, I’ve been suffering with the driest sorest mouth and tongue for about a week now. I can’t eat properly and I’ve tried everything available from the Chemist. I had just finished a course of antibiotics for a skin infection and just got over a gastro bug, so thought I may be just run down. I’ve had mouth ulcers following methotrexate, but this is totally different and very uncomfortable.

Cherie – My Mom had Sjogren’s. She went through a blind study when she first had it. She could tell that she had good meds right at the first. The first few pills she took she had saliva pouring out into her mouth, and sweat rolling off her when outside. I have RA, but my dry mouth is from a pill I have to take. Nothing tastes good anymore, only like cold soft smooth foods.

Shelley – Thank you for sharing, I have Sjogren’s and arthritis.


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The above is a discussion created by a member and with member generated responses from our Facebook community ( put into a format so that the discussion can be archived for future answers needed by others in a searchable format while keeping member anonymity. Member provided information, statements and opinions do not reflect on or all individuals with Autoimmune Arthritis. We encourage all members to seek professional medical advice for any specific questions and concerns as this does not substitute competent medical care.

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