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Welcome to our RA Lifestyle Center at!

Whether you are looking for more information on dating with Autoimmune Arthritis, parenting with RA, making your travel easier, learning more about maximizing your insurance potential, saving money, finding new arthritis helpers, or learning more about mobility devices we have you covered.

Our Lifestyle Center has been divided up into subcategories to make learning about these topics easier to find and learn more.


rheumatoid arthritis dating center


Autoimmune Arthritis affects all the relationships in your life. Being single and dating are even harder for those with RA. Our Dating Center will provide advice on discussing your condition in your relationships, dating advice, the affects of RA on your intimacy and Confessions of a RA Dater.

Visit our Dating with RA Center to learn more about being single with Autoimmune Arthritis, discussing your condition in your relationship, and more.


RA and traveling


Conditions like RA can make even small traveling trips difficult to handle. Our Travel Center provides information on traveling with Autoimmune Arthritis, tips and techniques from fellow RAers, and products that can make your traveling easier.

Visit our RA Travel Center to learn more about traveling with autoimmune arthritis, RA friendly activities, items you don’t want to leave behind and more.


dealing with insurance rheumatoid arthritis


Whether you have private insurance, Social Security, state insurance, or local health programs, you need to visit our Insurance Center to maximize what you have. The Insurance Center will provide information on all kinds of programs, insurance for preexisting conditions, prescription discount programs, co-pay support systems, and frequently asked questions about insurance.

Visit our Insurance Center to learn more about the different types of insurance, filing for disability, insurance related questions and more.


parenting with rheumatoid arthritis


This center of RA Chicks is dedicated to parenting with Autoimmune Arthritis. You will be able to find tips from fellow RA parents, RA friendly family activities, advice on explaining to your children at different ages about your Autoimmune Arthritis, coping with limitations and more.

Visit our Parenting Center to learn more about parenting with Autoimmune Arthritis and how to make it easier.


saving money when having rheumatoid arthritis


Autoimmune Arthritis like Rheumatoid Arthritis can be a heavy burden on your pocketbook or finances from medical appointments to medications to arthritis aides or missed work. This section of is dedicated to helping you learn how to cut some corners, save more, or some do it yourself projects that are just as good or better than store bought arthritis aides.

Visit our Pocketbook Center to learn more about saving some of your money.


products to help with rheumatoid arthritis


Conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis can sometimes make the smallest of household tasks difficult to do. Everyday arthritis helpers can aide you in completing these tasks and more easily than before. This section of RA Chicks is to share products that your fellow Chicks have recommended that you check out.

Visit our Arthritis Helpers Center to see what your fellow RA Chick members are recommending.


arthritis walking aides


Thinking about mobility devices can be a daunting process but necessary for many of our members. Not sure where to start. We have a short guide here to explain the different type of mobility devices and recommendations from your fellow members. From canes to motorized wheelchairs, you should find them here.

Visit Mobility Devices Center to learn more about the different types of Mobility Devices available and see what your fellow members are using.


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