December 6, 2014 Niki Wyre wrote: I have been trying to cope with having my left shoulder and neck flaring up again. Which means I can't lift my arm or do basic arm movements right now and been having migraines like crazy from the neck issues. You don't realize how much you rely on having [...]
On June 4, 2014 Niki wrote: Sharing this news to you all that I just read in this news article found hereĀ from Arthritis Care's newsroom. Arthritis Care launches new website for it's Inspire magazine. "Says Joel Budgen of Arthritis Care, 'We launched our Inspire magazine last year and the content has proved very popular with [...]
Your help is needed! Take a minute to sign this petition from Creaky Joints ( and share! On RA Chicks : Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis Facebook page alone we are now only reaching 1/3 to 1/4 of our members weekly. Sad :( To read & sign the petition to keep Facebook free for non-profits: [...]
May 1, 2014 Niki wrote: Arthritis supplement recall info from Arthritis Foundation passing it along. "Arthritis Supplement Recalled Due to Undeclared Drug Ingredients FDA analysis found Super Arthgold is contaminated with several drugs that could cause adverse reactions, potentially fatal." Read the full article from Arthritis Today here: Arthritis Supplement Recalled Due to Undeclared Drug [...]
April 22, 2014 Niki wrote: Overhead this conversation while in the lab waiting to get bloodwork done a little bit ago: Little Old Lady: Oh dear. The doctor ordered you 5 tests! That's a lot. Little Old Man: Yeah. I normally only have two or three. I now look down at my order for 23 [...]
April 21, 2014 Niki writes: Awhile back we had to close the forums on due to repetitive spam attacks. Even now we still receive over 300 spam comments from blogs entries or articles we must delete on a daily basis. I am saddened to announce now we have been hacked by someone that redirected [...]