[Walk A Mile In Our Shoes] My Sandy Shoes


One of our members invites you to walk a mile in her shoes:
Q: Current Age?
A: 25

Q: Age of Onset or start of symptoms?
A: 2 years ago, I started looking for answers

Q: Age of Diagnosis?
A: The week after my 25th birthday

Q: Where are you located?
A: Panama City, Florida

Q: What is your profession?
A: Xray tech/nurse

Q: What are your Medical Conditions or diagnoses?
A: rheumatoid arthritis, polycystic ovaries, hypothyroidism (so far)

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Painting, hanging out with my dog (who is awesome, in case you were wondering), reading.

Q: What is one thing your doctor didn’t tell you about your Autoimmune Arthritis that you wish they had?
A: How my quality of life would change. How the “little things” would start to mean so much. How it would effect every aspect of my being… emotionally, physically, socially.

Q: If you could tell your past self something before diagnosis, what would it be?
A: Let your haters be your motivators. Not everyone is gonna understand your situation. Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. You are the only person who understands what your pain is like.

Q: What would you like to tell others newly diagnosed with Autoimmune Arthritis?
A: Get online and get educated. Find a support system other than your family and friends, you need that unbiased place where everyone ‘gets it’, and no one judges you. My place was rachicks.com.

Q: How would you describe your personal style?
A: M-F daytime I’m in scrubs. blergh. The rest of the time I’m either in the tshirt and ‘I gave up’ yoga pants get up, OR a more cozy sweaters and skinny jean for when in public. Most clothing decisions are based on how flexible I feel that day. Rigid= yoga pants.

Q: What part of dealing with your Autoimmune Arthritis has made the biggest impact on you?
A: Working. I want to pull my weight. I want to excel. I want to leave work and still have enough energy to walk the dog when I get home. I want to walk up a set of stairs with ease. I want my coworkers to understand that I don’t want their sympathy, I want their cooperation. I don’t want you to make my new life with RA easier, but please don’t make it harder.

Q: Favorite quote?
A: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” -Yoda

Q: What are three random things about yourself that others may not know?
A: #1-I love love. The idea, the prospect.
#2- I know what you say about me.
#3- I’ve never felt so horribly alone in my life.

This is for my family. My friends. My coworkers. My ex-boyfriend who I broke up with right before I was diagnosed. And my dog, who doesn’t need a list, doesn’t care if I’m cranky, doesn’t care if I don’t feel like playing, she’s just glad I’m here.
Thank you for taking a walk in my shoes!
Check here to see all the blogs in this series.


If you would like to be a featured blog entry for Walk A Mile In Our Shoes, please fill out the submission form below.  I will need a picture attachment of the footwear you are wearing and your answers to the items listed above in story. They will be anonymous, no names given, just your information and responses.

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