[Member Discussions and Questions] Tai Chi for Arthritis DVD from the Arthritis Foundation Feedback?

January 8, 2013

One of our Chicks was wondering if:

1. Any of you have purchased this Tai Chi for Arthritis DVD from the Arthritis Foundation ?
2. have you benefited from it?

She is interested in getting the DVD but wanted some feedback first.

Get DVD from Arthritis Foundation online store here.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help her out and answer her message. (((pain-free internet hugs)))

What our members have said so far:

Cate – My local library has it. She could possibly check it out and try before buying.

Callie – I have a VHS copy of this that I bought when I as first diagnosed. The movements are slow and the teacher is very soothing to follow. I think it helped me when I was doing it regularly, particularly as I was not well controlled and was in a lot of pain. It was good for those times when you need to move but don’t have strength or endurance.

Zena – I have just had it for Xmas, too soon to know if its helping, but am enjoying doing it and feel that it is a beneficial exercise to be doing. It is slow and controlled, not to be rushed and you can progress at your own pace.

Louise – Was thinking of getting it but will ck in later for more reviews

Beth – Not that particular DVD, but Tai Chi did WONDERS for my RA!!! Def get it!!! Called moving meditation

Michelle – I’ve been wondering the same thing! I am also curious if anyone has tried the new Arthritis Friendly Yoga DVD?

Fiona – I’m going to get the ‘armchair Pilates’ DVD I’ve heard it is good!

Rhoda – I haven’t done that but yoga helps

Christina – I have this DVD and love it…when I take the time to do it. It goes slow, but once you learn the movements you can stop using the DVD & go at any pace you like. The slower you go though, the more it improves your strength & relaxes your body. It’s great for improving your balance too. Definitely worth trying.

LaShelle – Yes I did, I have only used it once or twice… it’s o.k. but I enjoy the yoga better… Maybe if I would concentrate more on my balance though, I might enjoy it more…

Jeni – I have the tai Cheng by beach body. Have yet to try it. Will be watching this post. Thanks!

Jane – Interesting, haven’t used the video but i would imagine it would help, heard good things about Tai chi in general. I do a joints in motion ( water) class at my local hospital and that really helps. I have RA

Kathy – I bought the DVD set with David Caridine….he’s wearing Star Trek work out gear..and facing me..so my poses are backwards…lol

Kay – I got his first DVD about 5 years ago after seeing him at a seminar here in NZ. I was impressed but skeptical. I decided to go along to a local Tai Chi class based on his movements for an hour a week. Enjoyed the relaxation but didn’t think I was benefiting until about a month later when I discovered I could reach items down from the top shelf at the supermarket which I hadn’t been able to do in a long time. I have had RA since I was a child and there is no way I could do yoga or Pilates. I did Tai Chi for over 2 years and just got more and more stable on my feet. When I moved and went back to work (after feeling so well) I let it slide. My New Years resolution is to get back into a class. You won’t lose anything by getting the DVD.

Melissa – Thank you all for your input! I am going to check out the DVD for sure….The Star Trek work out comment cracked me up!

Kathy – It is….I’m going to start it again..flexibility is key.

Richard – I had done many days of TAI CHI as a young lad some of it stayed with me

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The above is a discussion created by a member and with member generated responses from our Facebook community (facebook.com/rachicks) put into a format so that the discussion can be archived for future answers needed by others in a searchable format while keeping member anonymity. Member provided information, statements and opinions do not reflect on RAChicks.com or all individuals with Autoimmune Arthritis. We encourage all members to seek professional medical advice for any specific questions and concerns as this does not substitute competent medical care.

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