
Why I Write About My Health

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personal blog on rheumatoid arthritis support group


Why I Write About My Health

by Niki Wyre


Why do I write about my health and health conditions? This is the fourth day post for the Wego Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Thirty posts in thirty days.

So why do I write about my health? I wish I just had a simple answer but I don’t. There are so many reasons why I share my Autoimmune Arthritis journey with my Rheumatoid Arthritis to the cyber world at large. Originally I started off a reader just like many of you. Over time I found that blogging not only gave me a voice but helped me express the feelings I tried to keep inside. For everytime I bear my soul, share a flared joint picture or odd symptom, I have at least one person tell me “I have that too and didn’t realize it was related” or “thank you for sharing. I was afraid to ask”. This is my main motivation.

After feeling isolated and alone, I went online looking for fellow RAers to have someone to talk to about what was going on. Not only did I make many great friends with Autoimmune Arthritis around the world, but I feel like I have an extended family that just gets it. I don’t need to explain why I don’t have energy or dealing with bad doctors or relatives or friends that just don’t understand. All of you, as part of our online community, understand better than anyone else could possibly. Why? Because you have a similar journey.

I like to think by bringing up topics or asking questions someone else might be afraid to, that I’m helping some. Since starting RA Chicks on Facebook and, I found a purpose to my life again. After my diagnosis, depression really sank in. When I could no longer work, I sunk deeper. Helping others and lending support where I can, gave me a reason to keep getting up everyday and to never give up. I have been truly inspired by my fellow Chicks and Roosters, especially the little ones that deal with what we deal with daily.

Another bonus of blogging and sharing my story with you online is that it feels like a weight has been lifted from me.  By writing all my feelings and struggles out or even the good times, it’s very therapeutic.  I would recommend blogging or journaling to you all.  Sometimes getting it all out can really help with the mental burdens of dealing with chronic pain.

Thank you for being a part of my journey, sharing my health stories and sharing yours with me. . (((pain-free internet hugs)))


If you want to see all the Wego Challenge blogs check here.


Looking for more blogs by Niki? Please check here.


ra chicks blog challenge with wego health


Interested in becoming a writer for We are looking for volunteers to keep the knowledge going to all our members. Interested individuals can email Niki by submitting form below for RA Chicks writers.

Please let us know what you are interesting in contributing to, what topics or hobbies you are most interested in and any questions you may have about becoming a volunteer writer for RA Chicks. Thank you.

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