THE REWARDS OF PET PARENTHOOD By: Missy Chauvin borrowed I've had RA for 42 years and for all those years I've also had pets because I absolutely love animals. Plus when you're sore and in pain from the RA & the only thing you can do is rest on the couch, there's nothing better [...]
What Type of People are Affected by RA? Written by Serena R. Schad I think one question that a lot of us with rheumatoid arthritis continuously ask ourselves is, why did I get RA? Was there possibly something I did to trigger this disease that attacks my body? I did a lot of research [...]
Easing RA Pain - Tips and Coping Skills Written by Serena R. Schad Knowing you will live with rheumatoid arthritis every day for the rest of your life can be an extremely overwhelming thought. Not only do you suffer with physical pain and limitations, but the emotional stress can really take its toll on [...]
Letter to "Normals": Those Without Rheumatoid Arthritis by Thesirenscream A letter that I copied and pasted from somewhere else and changed to suit my own situation. I think I changed quite a bit of it but I don't remember. Feel free to take mine and copy and paste it yourself, change it, and give [...]
A Letter to My RA by Jennifer Dear RA, This letter is to inform you that you have officially worn out your welcome. I am tired of your everyday nagging. Your late night calls that linger on for endless hours. Your total lack of inconsideration to my schedule. The way you show up unannounced [...]
My RA Fact Sheet by Thesirenscream I made this when I was first diagnosed and gave it to my family. It's kind of long but they said it helped them to understand a lot more about RA. Hope it's helpful for you all too! First let's discuss exactly what RA is. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) [...]