
autoimmune arthritis blog

If I could have a superpower rheumatoid arthritis support

If I Could Have a Superpower….

If I Could Have a Superpower.... by Niki Wyre   If you had a superpower, what would it be? This is what Wego asked us in today's prompt for the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Welcome to day 3 of the Wego Health's 30 posts in 30 days :) So I had to think about this [...]

Filed Under: Blog, Niki Wyre, RA Chick Writers, Uncategorized, wego health activist writers challenge

WHY YOU NEED TO EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT YOUR MEDICATIONS AND CONDITIONS By Lydia Chapman Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall. Yesterday I had an opportunity to hear part of a conversation between a medical student and a doctor. What caught my attention is that they were talking about some of [...]

Filed Under: About RA, Blog, Learn More, Lydia Chapman, RA Chick Writers, RA Health Center, Raising Awareness