by Niki Wyre
Welcome to the ninth day post for the Wego Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Thirty posts in thirty days. Today Wego challenged us Health Activist Writers to take the Keep calm and carry on poster and make it our own for our condition or community.
As our Logo and Mascot for RA Chicks : Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis says “Never Give Up”, I thought it was more than fitting for today’s challenge. So our poster for RA Chicks says “Keep Calm and Never Give Up”. Even though times are hard and we all go through rough spots, always know that we can carry on or not give up. Our community is a large and understanding family that is there for you whenever you need us.
Feel free to share the image or create your own Keep Calm poster at You can customize the background, images and text. So have fun.
Here is our Keep Calm poster for our online community:
If you want to see all the Wego Challenge blogs check here.
Looking for more blogs by Niki? Please check here.
Interested in becoming a writer for We are looking for volunteers to keep the knowledge going to all our members. Interested individuals can email Niki by submitting form below for RA Chicks writers.
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