DEAR 16 YEAR OLD ME... by Niki Wyre Welcome to the tenth day post for the Wego Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Thirty posts in thirty days. Today Wego Health prompted us to write a letter to the 16 year old you. They asked what would we tell ourselves and what we would want to make our [...]
KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON... by Niki Wyre Welcome to the ninth day post for the Wego Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Thirty posts in thirty days. Today Wego challenged us Health Activist Writers to take the Keep calm and carry on poster and make it our own for our condition or community. As our Logo and [...]
My Rheumatoid Arthritis Haiku by Niki Wyre pounds payday Yes this is another one of the Wego prompts, day 6, for the Health Activist Writers Month Challege. They challenged us to write 30 posts in 30 days. So I needed to write a haiku about my Rheumatoid Arthritis or health issues. Do you have a haiku [...]
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words by Niki Wyre The old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" comes best to mind when Wego gave us this picture prompt to blog about in the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Welcome to day 5 of thirty posts in thirty days. We were told to make [...]
Why I Write About My Health by Niki Wyre Why do I write about my health and health conditions? This is the fourth day post for the Wego Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Thirty posts in thirty days. So why do I write about my health? I wish I just had a simple answer [...]
If I Could Have a Superpower.... by Niki Wyre If you had a superpower, what would it be? This is what Wego asked us in today's prompt for the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge. Welcome to day 3 of the Wego Health's 30 posts in 30 days :) So I had to think about this [...]