December 21, 2014 Has this happened to you while on Humira? A member message: Going through major med changes after being on the same ones for years. Has anyone developed laryngitis and cough from taking Humira? I've only had two doses so far. First the laryngitis started and now the annoying cough. No cold, fever, [...]
Weird New Symptom Discussions
[Member Discussions and Questions] Laryngitis and Cough From Taking Humira for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
December 3, 2014 Has this happened to you? A Chick wrote in: Just wondering if before any of you started meds did you put on weight because of excess fluid? I've recently been diagnosed and will be starting medication but have recently ballooned in weight and I haven't changed my diet I've only lessened my [...]
May 27, 2014 Chest/ rib cage pain? A Chick writes: I would like to know if any members have chest/ rib cage pain. I can not get relief. I've only been diagnosed for 8 months( RA and Lupus). I am on Plaquenil, Prednisone , Tramadol, Methotrexate, folic acid, and 800 mil Ibuprofen. It hurts to [...]
December 2, 2013 Niki wrote: Okay lets talk about RA involvement in throat / voicebox area. Do you deal with this? Yesterday I noticed every time I swallowed, dry or not, that area would snap, pop like one of my joints and pop back. :/ Sexy, I know. What symptoms or issues do you have [...]
February 9, 2013 Muscle spasms or weakness? One Chick wrote in: I have been having a lot of lower back pain with muscle spasms and pain/numbness going down my right leg sometimes the left, but not as much as the right. The muscles in my right leg, again occasionally my left leg, but not as often, [...]
February 7, 2013 One member is going to a doctor appointment next week for shortness of breath but she wanted to know if any of you have experienced this as well. Here is her message: I was wondering if any has had breathing issues with their RA ...I am unable to walk very far before I [...]