December 11, 2014 Have you dealt with this too? A member wrote in: I am having thyroid issues, no T4. I had a panel for thyroid done to further investigate the cause and I am scared. I am currently diagnosed with RA, on Enbrel and plaquenil. Have you dealt with this as well? Any advice [...]
Other Health Condition Discussions
April 30, 2014 Niki wrote: We have talked about hair loss, especially with the medications we take, a lot but mostly focus on hair loss on head. Well we are women and we care more about that hair anyway. ;) I have received several messages in the past two weeks about hair loss not on [...]
June 26, 2013 A member writes: Can you find out if any RA chicks get eye infections after taking Orencia? I have had my 4th injection of Orencia and have two bouts of eye infections. Very frustrating. Thank you in advance for your input and sharing your experiences to help answer this members question. (((pain-free internet [...]
February 7, 2013 One member is going to a doctor appointment next week for shortness of breath but she wanted to know if any of you have experienced this as well. Here is her message: I was wondering if any has had breathing issues with their RA ...I am unable to walk very far before I [...]
February 5, 2013 One of our Chicks was just diagnosed with cataracts that the doctor attributed to long term Prednisone use. She wanted to share it with you and see if anybody else has had this happen? Learn more about prednisone caused cataracts here. Thank you in advance for your input and sharing your experiences to [...]
January 14, 2013 Issues with cold sores? One member wrote in: I have always suffered from cold sores but since having flares and being on Methotrexate it seems like when one heals another appears. Does anyone have this problem and what they use for it. I think my system is immune to Abreva, it no [...]