December 21, 2014 Has this happened to you while on Humira? A member message: Going through major med changes after being on the same ones for years. Has anyone developed laryngitis and cough from taking Humira? I've only had two doses so far. First the laryngitis started and now the annoying cough. No cold, fever, [...]
Medication Experience Discussions
[Member Discussions and Questions] Laryngitis and Cough From Taking Humira for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
February 5, 2013 One of our Chicks was just diagnosed with cataracts that the doctor attributed to long term Prednisone use. She wanted to share it with you and see if anybody else has had this happen? Learn more about prednisone caused cataracts here. Thank you in advance for your input and sharing your experiences to [...]
January 13, 2013 Orencia and weight loss or gain? One Chick asks: I have had RA for 18 years. (49 years old now) I was taking Enbrel injections, but had a psoriasis-like skin reaction and recurring infections, so I've been prescribed Orencia. My question is about side effects. My daughter gets married in June and [...]
January 13, 2013 One Chick is asking for your feedback on medications while breast feeding: I am on Prednisone and hydroxychloroquine combo that's not working. I am thinking about going on Enbrel, however I am breast feeding and ideally would like to continue breastfeeding. She is 12 months old an very healthy. Would you be [...]
January 8, 2013 One member has a question about frequency of Methotrexate and Enbrel dosage. Can you help?: I was wondering if anyone takes Methotrexate or Enbrel every other week instead of every week? I am feeling good but the side effects are terrible and I would like to start taking these meds biweekly. Thanks [...]
January 4, 2013 One member wrote in: I have RA/Lupus/Scleraderma/Multiconnective tissue disease/Raynaud's/ILD and Lord knows what I forgot...I just stopped taking Fentanyl patches for pain. I was becoming an overly depressed zombie and was still in pain. Has anyone had any success with non-narcotic pain killers? I up for anything. The only things I take [...]