
RA & Insurance

Medication Cost and Copay Assistance Programs for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Medication Cost and Copay Assistance Programs for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis can be costly enough with small co-pays but many patients have have to deal with large co-pays on their insurance plan or no insurance at all. To make it easier for those in our community looking for assistance for their treatments, here [...]

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Advertising to Get Medical Care? How Did I End Up Here? Falling Into The Cracks of the Medical System by Niki Wyre If you are healthy, wealthy or insured you may not be aware of the cracks in our health system in the United States. I'm not even sure how I got here today. How I [...]

Filed Under: Blog, Featured, Niki Wyre, RA & Insurance, RA Chick Writers

Filing for  Social Security Disability? by Christine   Dear Chickies, As promised, here is info on SSDI for those with RA, Fibromyalgia, SLE and other Mixed Connective Tissue Disorders. Please keep in mind that this information is from personal experience as well as information directly from "Disability Evaluation Under Social Security" Manual. As previously stated [...]

Filed Under: About RA, Blog, RA & Disability, RA & Insurance, RA Chick Writers